“Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things
which He suffered.” Hebrews 5:8 NKJV
My daughter is only 13 years old. It makes my heart hurt to think about the truth that my sweet girl has to suffer in this broken world sometimes. If I could shield her from ever feeling pain, I would. But unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in. God never promised us a life free from pain. In fact, the Bible says we will face many trials, and we’re supposed to consider it pure joy.

Hebrews 5:8 talks about how Jesus suffered greatly during His life on earth, eventually enduring terrible pain and dying on the cross for us. He had the body, mind, and will of a man. Yet, He chose to obey the Father with every decision He made.
This verse reminds me that no one is above the suffering, but there is purpose in it. It reminds me that every time the enemy comes against us, we have the opportunity to learn obedience to God the Father. And we can take comfort, supernaturally, in knowing that He will use everything for our good.
Yes, Jesus suffered. But He chose to obey. Every time. Because of His example, we know it is within our ability as a human to choose God’s way every time.
Father God, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You for Your obedience at the cross and throughout Your life. Thank you Father God, that I do not have to live in fear of worthless suffering but can count everything that I endure as pure joy, knowing that I can learn through the suffering and I don't have to take the pain of this world in strife. Amen.
In His love,
Tina White