“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap,
if we faint not.” ~ Galatians 6:9 ~
Wait. Wait. Wait.
My family has been in a season of wait for a very long time. To clear my brain earlier this week, I went for a very long, meandering walk. I came to a large intersection and had to hit the button for the crosswalk. The automated message came blaring out and told me repeatedly to wait. Wait. Wait. To me, my waiting looked like nothing was happening. But I chose to trust that I should stand there to avoid being hit by a car, respected the rules of the road, and got a clear picture of where I was headed. My waiting was eventually rewarded with a walk signal, and I went on my way.
It reminded me of Daniel. He prayed for deliverance for three straight weeks without food or drink. Then suddenly, an archangel appeared. He told Daniel he was sent on the first day, but that he had been fighting for 21 days to get to him. God was moving the angel toward Daniel to give him a message, but Daniel couldn’t actually see it.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
Waiting is interpretation. It could be viewed as God not delivering, but the Bible says, “in due season, we will reap if we don’t faint.” Waiting is an extension of faith. It is living open-handed and learning to say, “even if.” Just like Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednigo waited with expectation for God to deliver them, but even if he didn’t, they still waited and trusted.

Waiting is also a time of preparation for the next thing. Things grow in the wait. Work is happening in the wait. And sometimes we have to take a step in the wait. In the large picture of my life, I am waiting for some things to come to fruition. But I recognize that waiting isn’t passive. I consistently take steps of faith because the Bible says without works, faith is dead (James 2:17). And in the wait, I can see the hand of God at work in the intricacy of the steps and events along the way. In the wait, rest for my soul is always available to me if I choose to seek Him and His truth.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
Really, we are all waiting. We’re waiting for Jesus to return. And in the waiting, we are to work hard to invite others to meet Him. There’s reward in the waiting. So don’t allow yourself to get tired in the waiting because, in His timing, we will reap a harvest if we don’t give up.
In His love,
Leah Milligan
Changed Women's Ministry