I am in a season of growth. While that might make you think of a flower blooming, let me assure you, it doesn’t feel beautiful. It feels like I’m constantly letting down the people I care about and I’m always apologizing. Every small mistake gets bigger and bigger in my mind as I continue to think about it. Each mistake seems to say I’m incapable, especially when I see them piling up all around me.
I know it’s a lie. But in the middle of all my emotions, it feels like truth. That’s when I know I’m in dangerous territory and I need to run back to the real truth, the truth of what God says about me. I’m not incapable because God has called me, uniquely equipped me, and placed me in this exact place to do exactly what I’m doing. In my stronger moments, I can say this with full confidence. So, I have to refuse to let the enemy mess with my mind when I’m feeling down and out.

The Bible promises that when I resist the enemy, he must flee from me. So recently, I feel like a broken record, saying out loud, “Satan, you have no claim over me! Back off, in the name of Jesus!”
If I’m not careful, I could let the fear of making another mistake paralyze me and render me completely ineffectual. But that would mean the enemy wins. If he can make me feel inadequate, that’s all he needs to do to distract me from my purpose.
Don’t misunderstand me. God doesn’t love us because of our level of productivity. Our works are not our identity. All of us are loved and cherished children of God no matter what we do. But I believe He has an irreplaceable role for me in His great plan. And I know that for me to do what He has for me to do, I have to lay down my pride and let Him shape me.
Zechariah 4:10 says “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.”
Even though these mistakes feel horrible in the moment, I realize they are actually opportunities to grow and new chances to allow God to smooth my edges. Each experience acts as a small tweak here and there to teach me a lesson that I’ll be able to draw on later and do it better the next time. And I truly believe God rejoices in seeing us surrender—even if we have to do it a second and third, or even 100th time—to His will for our lives. He promises to use everything for our good, and I think that especially applies to mistakes we make as we try to glorify Him in all that we do.
Father God, thank you for growth opportunities. Even when they are painful or feel ugly in the moment, I know you are refining me, smoothing down my rough edges to reveal the beauty of your creation in me. God, help me show myself grace when I make mistakes. Help me to see myself through your eyes. Help me to learn. Help me get better. Help me to become more and more like you. I trust you when you say you’re working all things for my good. Thank you, Jesus, for your faithfulness and goodness! Amen.
In His Love,
Rachel Feuerborn
Changed Women's Ministry